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When and How to Ask for a Promotion (with Examples)

By The ZipRecruiter Editors

Many employers build natural paths for advancement through regular promotions, so their team members can grow professionally. However, sometimes you may need to be proactive and ask about growth opportunities. Learning about when and how to ask for a promotion can help you move forward in your career on a timeline that works for you.

When to Ask for a Promotion

You can ask for a promotion at any point and for any reason, but having a good justification can help increase your chances of success. Here are some common situations when you may want to seek a promotion.

Your Role Has Expanded

Reflect on your day-to-day tasks and consider if they match your job description. If your responsibilities in your current role have grown, you may be able to ask for a title change or a raise to align with the new scope of your role. You can also use your increased responsibilities as evidence that you can thrive in a higher role.

You’re a Longtime Employee

If you’ve been in your current role for a long time, you may want to pursue growth opportunities. Working in one role for a long time can show dedication and reliability, which can make you a good candidate for a promotion. Once you’ve mastered your tasks and learned about the organization, you can apply that knowledge to new situations.

You’re Receiving Positive Feedback

By making an impact in your current role, you demonstrate your aptitude for success in other positions. If you’re consistently getting positive feedback from your team, this could be a sign that you’re ready to take on more responsibility. This can include both formal feedback in performance reviews or casual conversations with your manager and colleagues.

A Position Opens Up

Employers often hire internally and look for current employees who may be a good match for open positions, especially for leadership roles. As your team expands, consider which positions would be a good match for your skills and career goals. If you’re interested in an open position, talk to your manager about applying.

When Is the Best Time to Ask?

There isn’t a specific ideal timeline for requesting a promotion. However, scheduled performance reviews are a common time to bring up potential promotions. Because you’re already discussing your performance and future goals with your manager, you can easily mention your desire for a promotion.

If you don’t want to wait for a quarterly or annual review, you can also schedule a meeting specifically to discuss a promotion. Inform your manager that you’d like to discuss your future at the company.

How to Ask for a Promotion

Being strategic about your request can help increase your chances of getting the promotion you want. Here’s a basic guide for requesting a promotion.

Consider Your Goals

Start by thinking about why you want to request a promotion. It’s important to get a promotion that aligns with your interests and long-term goals instead of simply accepting any available opportunity. Understanding your goals can help you explain the type of opportunity you’re seeking and negotiate a successful outcome.

Plan Your Pitch

Asking for a promotion often involves creating a basic presentation that explains why you’re a good candidate to move up. Make a list of ways you’ve helped your team thrive and collect any data or statistics that can be evidence of your success. This can help you make the argument that you can make an even greater impact in a higher position.

Prepare for Questions

Your manager may have objections or questions after your presentation. Think about your weaknesses that could hinder your performance. Then create a plan for how you’ll address your weaknesses to be successful in your new role.

Be Confident

Strive to be confident when making your request to show that you believe in your abilities. Your pitch is all about demonstrating your value to the company, and a confident attitude can make your presentation more convincing. Practice your pitch to help you become more comfortable with making your request, and ensure that you touch on all key points.

Follow Up

After you request a promotion, your manager will likely need time to consider the request and discuss it with other members of the leadership team. Ask about when you can expect to hear back, then follow up as needed. If your request isn’t approved, ask for what you can do to earn a promotion in the future. Then try revisiting your request during your next performance review to discuss your growth.

Example Pitches for Requesting a Promotion

Here are a few examples of basic pitches for requesting a promotion.

Applying for a New Internal Position

“After working in my customer support role for a year and a half, I was excited to see that a manager role opened up in my department. In my position, I’ve consistently gotten the highest possible customer satisfaction scores and worked hard to become familiar with escalation processes and support resources.

“As a manager, I would be able to leverage my hands-on experience working with customers to create impactful policies and offer guidance to other customer support representatives. Although I have limited leadership experience, I recently attended a leadership seminar. I also feel that my ability to solve problems and resolve conflicts with customers applies well to a leadership context and would help me build a thriving team.”

Requesting an Official Promotion

“While reviewing my past performance reviews, I realized that my role has greatly expanded from when I was initially hired. For the past six months, I’ve been fully managing volunteer schedules and overseeing the volunteer recruitment process. After successfully managing these projects, I’m interested in making them an official part of my role. I feel that continuing to expand my role with an official promotion would give me the ability to make an even greater impact on the team.”

Regardless of the outcome, requesting a promotion shows that you’re serious about growing with your current employer. With the right approach, you can identify yourself as a top candidate for new opportunities and enjoy consistent career growth.

The ZipRecruiter Editors

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