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Details of job, Operation Coordinator for AT&T

Details of job, Operation Coordinator for AT&T

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A man sitting on green chair.

Hiring Stories

Malachi Haynes, Sales

For years, Malachi had to accept any opportunity that came his way. He wasn't in control of his job search. See how ZipRecruiter helped put him in the driver's seat of his career.

A woman sitting on green chair.

Hiring Stories

Vy Pham, Optometry

As an optometrist, Vy found it challenging to find jobs that matched her specialized skill set. See how ZipRecruiter helped her find the perfect job in a niche industry.

A man sitting on green chair.

Hiring Stories

Christopher San Juan, HVAC

After serving in the military, Christopher struggled to enter the civilian workforce. See how ZipRecruiter connected him with veteran-friendly employers looking for his skill set.

A woman sitting on green chair.

Hiring Stories

Amber Dufault, Legal

Amber wanted to reenter the workforce as an attorney after taking 12 years off—but she didn't know where to start. See how ZipRecruiter helped her get back in the game!

A man sitting on green chair.

Hiring Stories

Robert Breuer, Finance

Fresh out of graduate school, Robert didn't know how his new skills and education would translate in the job market. See how ZipRecruiter helped him launch his career.

After being laid off due to COVID-19, I wasn't sure what would happen. Then, Shiseido found my profile on ZipRecruiter and recruited me! I'm starting at a company with fantastic people who are doing really interesting things with technology in their space.
Evan, Hired by Shiseido
Image of Evan.
I was released from my job of 3 years and concerned about finding something new while employers were laying off millions of people. ZipRecruiter helped me locate and apply for a new position with a fantastic culture and greater income potential. Thank you, ZipRecruiter for being a blessing to me during a difficult time.
Mark, Hired by Lloyd Agency: Globe Life
Image of Mark.
The silver lining that came out of this time of unimaginable adversity is that I have been busy with job interviews through ZipRecruiter. So far I had three and all three made me solid offers...I accepted one at Wells Fargo.
Deeqa, Hired by Wells Fargo
Image of Deeqa.
I was laid off from my job right as the COVID-19 crisis hit. ZipRecruiter came recommended by a friend and I decided to give it a try. Within a week of uploading my resume, ZipRecruiter matched me with jobs that fit my experience and what I was looking for. The process was so easy!
Kathryn, Hired by Novartis
Image of Kathryn.

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